American Chestnut~Elm~Ash Trees Gone or in Danger

It is good to hear that a blight resistant species of the American Chestnut has been developed. The large sprawling trees used to be prominent tree in the Eastern United States. Research is such a great thing. The chestnut on the tree  above is a Chinese Chestnut.

The Dutch Elm disease wiped out many of the very tall elm trees from our forests but there may be hope for hybrids or resistant trees. Isolated elm trees still stand in our area.

The ash trees now face the emerald ash borer and it is good to find out that research is being done to solve the problem or create hybrids that are resistant. There is a huge ash tree at the back of our property that is probably on the bike trail right of way. It is extremely tall and large. At this time the leaves are turning purple, orange and yellow and it is just so pretty. It shades a huge area of our yard. The ash borers have been found in the city park just about a mile away so it seems that the ash trees in our area are certainly in danger of acquiring the borers. 

What will be the next tree to be threatened?


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