Be Sure to Wear Protection ~ Ear Protection

The leaves are falling so quickly from the trees that it is very difficult to keep up with the blowing and mulching. When you do go out there to use the leaf blower and mulching mower please be sure to wear ear plugs or the larger ear protectors. These loud machines may injure your hearing. 

The beautiful trees shown above are across the street from my favorite thrift store in Streetsboro, Ohio. Their beauty makes me forget the ugliness of the almost empty shopping center where the thrift store is located. The road entrance to the parking lot and the parking lot are both full of very deep holes that one must dodge in order to get to parking places in front of the few stores that remain in the nearly abandoned  center. 

Wow! I went to this place just a couple of days later and every pothole in the entrance road and in the parking lot were properly repaired. It was actually dangerous for cars and people before this took place. 


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