Using What You Have ~

So what do you want to do with the old faucet that has been leaning against a tree behind the shed? That was the question asked by Russ a few days ago. It took more work than one would think to get the rusty relic secured in the garden. We had purchased the cast iron and copper faucet at a flea market many years ago. It is a type that would have been used as an outdoor installation in parks and cemeteries.  He found a length of stainless  pipe to pound into the ground along with  a metal cap device with which to cover the pipe while it was being pounded into the soft soil with a heavy sledge hammer. The top picture shows careful leveling being done. The faucet base was then slipped into the  pipe  and pushed slightly into the ground.  Note the use of ear protection to help save  hearing. We then placed the birdbath below the non-working faucet so it could be cleaned and filled. There must be some other things laying around the yard that can be resurrected. 


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