May Apple Time ~ Sounds of Spring

The long cold Winter has not affected the May apple plants. A few droplets of water from the early morning rain still clings to these leaves. There seems to be a very large number of the umbrella like plants growing on the back of the property up over the bike trail, Some of the plants that I transplanted to other areas are also doing well. 

The robins are very busy building nests. The wet weather has made it easy for them to find worms. A tiny wren has cleaned out the birdhouse just outside of the kitchen window. His own touches have been made to the interior. He sings his trilling song all day trying to attract a mate. A pair of Canada geese stroll about the yard with their necks held high.  The sound of geese honking in the wetlands just behind our property proclaims it is Spring. Spring peepers and other frogs add to the chorus. I love the sounds of the season. 


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