Wood Supply Growing Smaller~ We Saw the Ground Today

We are seeing some of the ground today for the first time in a couple of months. The slightly warmer temperatures have melted some of the white stuff. The snow cover has been constant so the ground is a welcome sight. The woodpiles along the woods on the East side of the property are growing smaller as is the woodpile at the rear of the yard. Single digit temperatures are expected again next week. 

As I walked around the yard I looked for the smallest tip of  a daffodil leaf poking through the ground but it has been much too cold and the snow cover has been too deep. 

The birds and squirrels seem to be frantic in the their feeding habits at the feeders. We have seen a lot of wildlife tracks but did not physically see any deer at the feeders until just before dark a few days ago.  A large buck limped into the yard to find the remnants of feed that were left on the ground under the feeders. His right rear leg joint was so badly swollen that he was not placing that foot on the ground. Quite possibly the leg was broken. It made us a bit sad but this is certainly not unusual in nature. We have seen other such deer. 

We will be glad to see the end of the snow and the cold. Come on Spring!


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