It is a Good Day ~ Around the Yard

It was a gift to be able to go out into the yard today. The sun has warmed the temperatures to the high 50s but the sun makes it seem warmer than that. The deer have strewn corncobs around the yard. The neighbor fed the deer this year and the cobs ended up far from the feeding station. Blue jays have shed their feathers under the shrubs and the leaves that I have raked from there have revealed some colorful surprises. 

The daffodils have been covered by leaves that we blew onto the back edge of the property. This was a good day to uncover them so that the plants can harden off. Note the yellowish color of the plants that have become blanched and pale under the leaves. There are a lot of buds on the daffodils. I love their colorful blooms. The hike and bike trail had a constant flow of hikers and bikers. A lot of the younger persons wore only t-shirts. 


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