Danger Under the Hemlock Trees ~ Around the Yard After the Rain

A green pine cone has been stripped by a hungry squirrel. The moss has turned very green since the rain fell. 

Large saucer sized mushrooms have popped up around the yard. 

The rain on Monday caused many large branches to fall from the trees so there was a lot of cleanup around the yard this morning.

As I walked under the hemlock trees on the West side of the house I noticed a few holes near the small roots that trail close to the surface. I did not stay around long as the heat of the day had caused the inhabitants of the holes to awaken. Yellow jackets were flying in and out of the large and smaller holes. This is an area that we walk through often so this nest will have to be eliminated for our safety.  

It is good to see the plants and flowers responding the the moisture that the rain supplied. 


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