Trouble with the Camper Van ~ Mr Fixit ~ A Pencil Comes in Handy

There was one point when we started our weekend trip to Pennsylvania where we considered turning around and coming back home. Mr. Fixit decided that this was not necessary. The engine coughed and sputtered when we pulled out of our driveway to start the trip. By the time we had gone about 10 miles he decided to stop and check the points. He checked the gap and fiddled with a few things and we were on our way again. 

The van ran rather well on the turnpike but as we approached our destination near Pittsburgh it started to sputter and cough again. We parked it and tried to enjoy our overnight camping trip. As it came time to depart he told others of our plight and a kind person took him to a parts store to buy new points. The installation of the new set of points helped but that was not the entire problem. 

Mr. Fixit is quite skilled at making do. He ended up jamming a pencil into a vacuum line to seal it off and said he thought that would get us home. It was a nervous 120 mile trip but we made it back safely without calling the hook. Repairs will have to be made before we venture out again. 


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