Robert E. Wood A Talented Artist from Kent Ohio

Robert Wood, artist from Kent, Ohio, died of a heart attack last week. He will be remembered on Saturday at a Memorial service. If you lived in Kent you probably remember him. Robert had the nickname FU BOB. He earned this label with his odd behavior in public. It is said that he arrived in Kent in 1964 but it seems like I remember him as being there forever. His long unkempt hair and beard were unmistakable. He would stand on a curb and repeat tapping his toe into the road and back out over and over before crossing. If anyone cared to stop and stare they got the double barreled middle finger salute and the FU bomb laid on them. Hopefully this highly educated individual will be remembered for his brilliant mind and outstanding artwork rather than being a bit different. We salute you Robert. You made Kent and interesting place to live. You will be missed. Rest in peace. 

Click on link below to read newspaper story.


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