A Bright Sunny Day and a Bright House Sighting

We decided to take a ride in the country this morning as the sun was shining brightly. We did have things to do at home but sometimes a short trip around can be relaxing. We chose Auntie's Antique Mall in Parkman, Ohio. The long winding dirt driveway that extends from the road to the building where the antiques are house was riddled with holes, puddles and lots of mud. 

As we approached the rather full parking lot we saw that we would be parking in the mud also. The contents of the mall held no interest for us but it gave us a chance to stretch our legs before heading home on a different back road. 

The brightly colored house in the first picture and the house in the picture above are both in Hiram, Ohio. The old brick school house below has been converted to a home. It was in a different township outside of Hiram. Notice the tractor under the front porch area. 

It was a brief but good break from the rest of the day which will be mostly filled with work. 


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