New vs. Old Kitchen

The kitchen is nearly finished and we are quite pleased with the changes. Extra lighting under the counters, over the stove and in the ceiling make it a cheery pleasant place to do the cooking. The plumbing to the dishwasher and sink will have to be hooked up. The dishes will go back into the cupboards this weekend. Careful sorting may help to eliminate the overcrowding of the cupboards. Some dishes have been given away already but there will certainly be more.

 It will be nice to get rid of the temporary, almost 6 week, kitchen set up in the dining room. Cupboard drawers are scattered around the living room and food supplies are under the card tables set up all around the dining room. Dishes are still being done in the bathroom. Water supply to the sink will be hooked up early next week. It was a good feeling to cook on the stove in the kitchen again. 

The old basement bathroom is next on the schedule. It has been a bucket flusher for a few years. It has block walls and cement floors and is very basic but we still like to use it instead of running up the basement steps. The basement fix will be very basic and functionality is more important than beauty. 


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