Bees and Button Bush ~ Around the Yard

Swamp Milkweed

Button Bush

It was such a pleasant cooler day today that walking down the big hill to the swampy area and back up did not seem to be a chore. As I descended the steep hill I could see honeybees on the clover. Then I could see them working on the rose colored wild flowers. The wetland areas at the bottom are surrounded by many button bush plants. They also grow in shallow parts of the swampy area. These pretty white and yellow ball shaped compound blooms seem to be doing so well this year after freezing back last year. 

We found a few honeybees working in the large clover areas in the yard around the house. Also discovered was a large above ground hornet or yellow jacket nest. We did not get close enough to see what was going in and out of the nest which is very near to the garden gate. It is too dangerous to travel through that area in the yard so even though we shy away from using sprays in the yard we will spray this large nest after dark. Our safety and the safety of any guests that we may have is more important. 


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