A Bear Has Been Checking Out Our Camp

It is clear that it is about time to scrape and paint our old 1953 trailer. The paint is starting to chip and reveal bare metal in some places. Muddy footprints around the back and sides under the windows revealed that our neighbor was not just kidding when he said that he had seen a black bear checking out our camp. 

We saw only three deer run through from a field towards the woods across the street. Their fur coats have a reddish hue at this time of year. Later in the afternoon a spotted fawn jumped up from a resting place in the high weeds and ran off. 

The field behind our camp sits unused this year because of the unusually wet weather that has plagued the Western Pennsylvania area where the camp is located. Areas of daisies are growing between the corn stubble. It is very relaxing to look out over the field of flowers. I just hope not to see the face of that black bear looking back at me. 


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