A Clean Camper & Rescued Flowers

The weather changed quickly last Fall from a warm Summer to a non-stop Winter. The camper did not get cleaned before storing in the barn for the Winter. The interior had acquired an odor that could only be described as a muted body odor. The stored bedding has now been removed and is being washed to freshen it for our next trip. The old high top 1971 Dodge Van has just about everything that is needed for short trips. The picture above shows the rear of the van. Big door on the left is the bathroom, porta-potty style. The sink resides above a mini-fridge and the 3 burner with oven gas stove is to the right. The stove uses propane and the refrigerator uses battery power from one of the two batteries. The little fan and lights also use the battery. The camper could be hooked up to electricity but we have never camped in spots where that would be available. Water is carried in a jug and waste water is caught in a larger container below the sink. The clock always says 12 o'clock because it just ticks too loudly for me to sleep. The kitchen is very clean and supplies have been checked. 

The snow last week left any daffodil bud that had already fully bloomed laying flat on the ground with the face toward the dirt. I think they look prettier in a vase. There are still plenty of the yellow blooms in the yard from the buds that did not bloom before the snow arrived. 


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