Tulips in the Trees

The tulip poplars are really full of the beautiful blossoms. Soon the colorful petals will drift to earth and seed pods will form. If we could do a re-do of where we placed trees around the house we certainly would have not planted many of the trees where they stand now. The leaves on the tulip poplar are very large and a bit more difficult to blow away with the blower. These trees are now huge and so they will stay where they are.

The red Japanese maple was here when we moved. This is a very messy tree from Spring to Fall. Bushels of the tiny blossoms have fallen from the tree and soon the seed pods will whirl their way to the ground. Then in the Fall the many leaves in the tree will fall onto the cement pad in front of the breezeway and clog the gutters just like the blossoms and seeds have done. 

 The flowering crab apples next to the driveway litter the drive with blossoms, leaves and the gushy little fruits. Again, none of the trees can be moved so we will have to live with the messes they make and do a lot of cleaning. We really do love the shade and beauty that trees can add to a property but these are all trees that should have been planted in different areas to make maintenance around the house easier. 


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