How Does Your Garden Grow

The cold weather has slowed the the revisions being made on the East side of the flower garden. This side of the brick path will be sparsely planted with a few perennial flowers and ferns. These plants will be surrounded by a variety of mosses that are being gleaned from various spots in the yard. 

The predicted rain and warmer weather should make finishing the project go smoothly. The side of the garden to the West of the brick path will go some revisions also. It is very crowded with some plants that seem to have taken over. 

Flowering shrubs in the back yard are still emitting sweet smells. The robins on the bathroom window ledge seem quite noisy and defensive today. I don't hear any baby robins yet. I have sown inexpensive packets of mixed wildflower seeds across the back of the hill above the bike trail for many years. Today I spotted a lone flower plant that survived. It is the first to ever bloom. It is better to buy the plants from someone who is thinning their garden. It looks like there will be many blooms on the head of this flower judging by the number of buds. 

The destructive groundhog has disappeared. After all the damage that it did in the garage we hope that it is never seen again. 


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