When Things Go Your Way..........

Some days things seem to go all wrong but today was not one of those. The post office was very busy after the holiday yesterday. The long line extended out of the door and into the lobby. I had a dozen packages to ship. The lady at the end of the line was quite emphatic as she told me that she was the end of the line. She expected me to fall in behind her but I quickly passed her and everyone else in the line and unloaded my packages onto the counter that displayed the NEXT WINDOW sign. I had printed out my postage at home so it was no waiting for me. The lady who had tried to stop me said "good idea" as I passed her going out the door. 

I had bought new eyeglasses a couple of weeks ago and when I got home with them I found that they were definitely all wrong. I had trouble seeing near and far. I already knew that this happens sometimes so I went back to the store and was examined again and more measurements were taken. Some changes were made in the RX and they were reordered. 

Ten days seemed a long wait so I called and found that my eyeglasses were on the truck that had just arrived this morning. I stopped to get them after going to the post office. This time they seemed just right. It was then that I found out why it took 10 days for these replacements to come in. The lab had ground the first replacement lenses to fit my old frames instead of the new ones. 

I not only got an upgrade on the lenses for the new frames.  I got the lenses that were ground in error for my old frames installed into the old frames so I now have 2 new pair of glasses at no extra charge. 

What will tomorrow bring? It's all good!


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