Water is OK in the Right Places But........

The Department of Environmental Services was just pulling up in front of the house as I was pulling out of the driveway yesterday. They had the manhole cover open in front of our house and more workers were stationed at the next manhole in front of the next property down. They had a large impressive truck with lots of gauges and a large silver hose which they extended through the manhole into the sewer line. They have been working throughout the neighborhood so I did not think much of it.

When I came home from my trip to the store I noticed some scuffing around on the wood floors near the bathroom which is not too unusual. As I changed from my gym clothes into my street clothes I got just a whiff of a foul odor. This sent me sniffing about the bedroom but I could not isolate the odor except that it was in the air in a few places. 

The mystery was solved when my husband arrived home. He said that he had heard a gurgling noise but discounted it until he went into the bathroom and found a layer of water on the floor. The toilet had flooded over. He found a similar situation in the basement bathroom. 

The sewer department workers had gone further down the road but he confronted them about the situation. They stated that some people in the neighborhood have had a drainage problem so they were testing all the lines and these toilet water explosions sometimes happen while they are doing tests. 

Even though the mess had been wiped up once I still felt the need to scrub and sanitize the area so that no germs would attack us. 


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