Can You Hear Me? It Really Wasn't Selective Hearing

Mr. Fixit believes in wearing ear protection when working with noisy machinery. One day a few months ago he declared that the telephone was not working and there was no dial tone. I listened and told him that the tone was back now and handed him the phone. He listened again and then started switching the phone from ear to ear. He was unable to hear that dial tone in his left ear. He could hear some sounds but not the dial tone. 

He was due for a checkup and though the family doctor slightly addressed the problem he did not suggest doing anything. We doctor shopped as the great ENT that we had years ago had moved out of state. There are still some more tests to be done and we realize that there are some things that can be fixed and some that can't. We will see. It has been a hard adjustment to make. What I thought was selective hearing was actually his not hearing much when I talked to him from the left side. His right ear seems unaffected. That is a good thing for which we are thankful. 


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