View From the Camp ~ The Farm Next Door

The view from our Pennsylvania camp includes the farm buildings and field that belong to the farmer next door. Pigs no longer live in the building in the picture and the large barn no longer holds hay, cows or horses. There are still a few cats wandering around the barnyard. The farmer leases his 66 acres of fields. This year soybeans are being grown and the crop looks good. This area has had more rain than we have at home. 

The owner of the farm and his wife are both in their 80s. The farmyard is tidy and clean and the little white farmhouse is always neat and well kept. Clothes were hanging on the line when we made our recent visit. The wind was blowing briskly offering softness and dryness to the laundry.  The farmer still goes into the woods to cut firewood for the outdoor furnace that was installed a few years ago. His wife works part time as a legal secretary. I guess being octogenarians does not slow everyone down completely. 


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