A Familiar Voice on the Radio ~ A Long Distance Signal

There are places in Pennsylvania where the technology that is available near larger cities can't be found. Our camp is located in one of those technology dead places. The camp is high on the side of a hill and close to interstate 80. One must often run to the top of the hill and turn every which way to get some signal bars on a cell phone and pray that the call will not be dropped because the one or two bar signal is lost. This is not a fun thing to do when it is very cold or rainy. 

We have never received a TV signal at camp and locals must use satellite dishes to receive the new digital signals. Cable is not available in this sparsely populated area.   

A few radio stations can be found but they of course play to their local audience. They play the type of  "music" that offends my senses so I usually just turn the radio off.

On our last trip to camp I scanned the radio dial again hoping to find something that I would like. I was astounded when I heard some classical music on an NPR station. There was some static as the signal was faint. After the music ended a familiar voice came on to announce the next piece. It was Jeff E., an old friend and acquaintance from Ohio. I had found Minnesota Public Radio. The signal held in for another 10 minutes or so and then it suddenly disappeared. I tried frantically to adjust the antenna and the dial to find it again but that was it. I turned the radio off. 

It was good to hear the sound of the voice that once was heard in our area on WKSU, the Kent State public radio station. 


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