Wildlife around the Yard

This little rabbit seemed to be camouflaged wherever it sat.  The bright sun and dry grass made a great hiding place. The grass in the second picture gets some shade so there are some green weeds and a little bit of grass in that area. The dark ground on which the bunny sat camouflaged it quite well. Rabbits seem to be abundant this year. We do think that a family of the little ones was raised under one of the sheds. They just hang around the yard and do not seem too afraid of us. Last night at dusk two little spotted fawns were in the front yard near the bird bath. I suspect they were getting some fresh water. Today the water was dumped on the tree next to the bird bath and fresh water added. Two honeybees worked on the purple cone flowers in my little flower garden. They were once a common sight in our yard but they now seem to be a rare sight. 

The drought continues. We have had only a few sprinkles in our yard in the last couple of months. The isolated showers have missed our yard completely. 


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