The View from Our Pennsylvania Camp

The view from camp was spectacular on Friday. It is about a mile down through the valley to the little white church on the hill. There is an old schoolhouse next to that church. Both of these have been converted to private residences. One can walk up to the church and back without worrying about the traffic. There are very few cars using the road. The surrounding fields were filled with several types of yellow blooming plants. Sitting listening to the birds is very relaxing. This activity had to wait until after some camp maintenance was completed of course. The lawn had to be cut, A post on the trailer had shifted and there were many branches that had to be picked up. There trailer looked good inside even though it was only used by men throughout the Winter months.  I decided not to do any heavy cleaning inside the trailer at this time. 

I was lucky enough to find one asparagus sprout. After rinsing the little nub under some water I popped it into my mouth and savored the flavor. 

click to enlarge these 2 pictures


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