Observations from a trip to Pennsylvania Camp.

Phlox from a long gone homestead now grow wild.

The heat and humidity make the view across the valley very hazy.

The thistles attract many kinds of bees. 

The black walnut trees have many nuts this year.

Blue and orange flowers are scattered through the high grass areas. 

See butterfly weeds below.

Deer eat the stalks along the cornfield down to about 1 foot high.

The corn is thriving in spite of the bad weather in the Spring.

Signs of Fall are evident.

The weather was warm and muggy during our recent trip to camp. Haze hung in the hot air and made comfort difficult to find as there was not a breeze. Queen anne's lace, daisies, chicory and golden rod lent color to the fields and roadsides. The seed heads of mature grasses added to the color. Some brightly colored fallen leaves made Fall seem closer than ever. I like Fall!


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