Ugly Bathroom is Getting an Update

It's no secret to those who know us. We have one of the ugliest basement bathrooms around. The toilet water tank broke years ago and it became a bucket flusher. The fixtures were from the 20s or 30s even though the house was built in 1952. The porcelain on the sink was worn through but the sink worked well. The exposed shower pipes leaked from time to time but we were able to fix them. Epoxy did not work to fix the long crack on the toilet tank. Bucket flushing is a real chore. The several people that we had asked about fixing it ran away from this job without giving an estimate. 
It will finally be fixed. 

Our basement is utilitarian only. It is not a beautiful place but it will be nice to have a functional bathroom again. Jayz Construction just finished our kitchen they agreed to tackle this awful job. Keep posted for updates. 


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