Feeding the Wildlife Again

Bird feed prices have risen again this year but we have decided that the pleasure from watching the birds outweighs the price of the seed. After a trip to Brimfield to buy sunflower seed and shell corn at a farm store Russ dug out the hanging feeders and larger post feeder and filled them. It did not take long before the birds arrived. 

Blue jays, red bellied woodpeckers, chickadees, juncos, tufted titmice and a variety of small sparrows zoomed in to enjoy the feast. The squirrels must have heard the commotion that the birds were making and soon at least half a dozen were scampering around under the feeders picking off the overflow. This morning one of the black squirrels remembered how to climb the metal post to get into the larger feeder. I'm sure that the squirrels will be hanging upside down on the tube feeders by the end of the day. 


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