It is Girl Scout cookie time~~How Not to Sell Girl Scout Cookies

I encountered two groups of Girl Scouts recently in two different super markets. The first group was outside of a Walmart store. There was a brisk cold wind but the girls and their leaders had a neat display of the familiar Thin Mints, Samoas and other types of cookies. Two of the girls were very enthusiastic as they asked me if I would like to buy some cookies as soon as I exited the store. All of the girls chatted with each other and seemed to be having a great time. 

The other group that I saw was in the vestibule of a Giant Eagle store. It was warm and comfortable inside that area. Six or seven girls stood in a row holding their I phones in front of their faces. They didn't ask anyone that went by to buy the cookies as they were more engaged with their social networking than anything else.

Guess which group that this old Girl Scout bought cookies from. 


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