The Holly Bears a Berry as Red as any Blood

The Christmas season has turned into a season that is so different from the time that I grew up. We did have a real Christmas tree that would be erected less than a week before Christmas. The ornaments were mostly the same each year. They were stored away each year carefully wrapped individually in tissue paper. There were multicolored lights and shiny glass bulbs of different colors. Some hand made pieces that we had created around the dining table from directions found in magazines might be added.  Perhaps a new colorful chain made from construction paper would be wrapped around the tree. Heavy lead tinsel was liberally applied after all other decorations were secured. The tree looked very beautiful. 

Years ago the important things of the season were Christmas concerts at the school and Christmas Eve church services. I sung in the choir so this was always a very special evening. The Sears and Roebuck Christmas catalog had carefully folded pages with items circled that we thought Santa might like to bring to our house. We got only a few presents each but it was the spirit of love in the family and the traditions that were most important. 

It makes me a bit sad to see what this season has evolved into. People getting trampled to death and in stampedes as stores open on Black Friday are not exactly how the season should be celebrated. The true meaning of the season seems to be missing for some. 


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