911 Observations ~ What We Saw

The day started out as an ordinary day. I was preparing to go to work at an antique shop and ready to go out of the door to drive the 12 miles South to the location. My TV was still on when I heard the terrible announcement about a plane hitting one of the towers in New York. I proceeded on my way not knowing exactly what was happening. When I got to work shortly after 9 AM my sister already had the little black and white shop TV on and it was obvious that this was not an accident as another of the twin towers had been hit while I was on the way to my destination.

We heard that all commercial and private airplanes were ordered to be grounded.  It was after that announcement that we heard the sound of an airplane. We went out onto the porch of the shop to see what was happening. The large commercial plane which had been headed slightly South made a strong turn and headed toward Pennsylvania. We had thought that it was heading toward the nearby Akron-Canton airport to land but it turned away from that airport which was very close to where we were. It was not until later that we connected that happening to the timeline and flight path to flight 93 on that fateful day. It is a time to remember the victims and the heroes of that day. 


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