Do It For Free!

Silver Sneakers

Silver Sneakers is a health insurance sponsored exercise program for seniors. It offers free gym memberships and free exercise classes. The qualified instructors give you exercises that are selected and approved by the insurance companies for seniors. There are some requirements that must be met but it is completely free if you have the right type of gap health insurance or group insurance. You can learn more about this program and see if you qualify by going to Call your health insurance company if in doubt.

There are hundreds of gym facilities that you can use all around the country. If you are on vacation you can guest at any of the Silver Sneaker selected gyms. If you are not into class instruction you still have free gym membership. Many of these gyms have pools, saunas and other special amenities.

The oldest person in my classes is 92. He gives me the incentive to keep going and keep moving. One of the ladies in my classes gives us all our daily hug and you know how good those good honest hugs make you feel.  I have made many new friends but imagine my surprise when one of my childhood friends showed up at our classes. We have a great time remembering our Wolcott Ave. friendships.

This post is meant to be informative and does not include all information that is needed for this program. If you qualify you can just go to a participating gym and sign up using your gap insurance card. You may want to check with your doctor first to see if it is OK for you to do this. You will be asked to sign a health waiver at the gym. Check with your insurance company for any other details that are needed. If your insurance plan does not participate in this healthy program encourage them to do so.


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