
Showing posts from November, 2014

Feeding the Wildlife Again

Bird feed prices have risen again this year but we have decided that the pleasure from watching the birds outweighs the price of the seed. After a trip to Brimfield to buy sunflower seed and shell corn at a farm store Russ dug out the hanging feeders and larger post feeder and filled them. It did not take long before the birds arrived.  Blue jays, red bellied woodpeckers, chickadees, juncos, tufted titmice and a variety of small sparrows zoomed in to enjoy the feast. The squirrels must have heard the commotion that the birds were making and soon at least half a dozen were scampering around under the feeders picking off the overflow. This morning one of the black squirrels remembered how to climb the metal post to get into the larger feeder. I'm sure that the squirrels will be hanging upside down on the tube feeders by the end of the day. 

A Chilly Day in Ohio

Dried leaves on the snow Pine needles, small cones and twigs  Chilly air pervades -Caroline

What is that Yellow Stake in the Clearing?

Right of way from bottom of hill. There is a right away for a buried pipeline that runs through the back of our property. The yellow maker is one of many along the line that shows where it is located. Nothing can be planted or erected within 25 feet of either side of the line.  It had been used for transporting different grades of oil and gas when we moved here but now it is being used by Dominion Gas for natural gas. It is a large size major distribution pipeline. It seems that someday we could go out with a real bang. We really have never sat around worrying about that. Having lived here for 45 years there is always enough to worry about without thinking about what could happen.  Right of way from top of hill.

Honey Pumpkin Pie

Thankgiving and Christmas are coming. Here is that old pie recipe from a Crisco can. You will need 2 pie crusts of your choice.  HONEY PUMPKIN PIE 1     29 oz can pumpkin (large can) 2/3 cup honey  2/3 cup brown sugar (dark brown is good) 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 4 eggs 1     12 oz can evaporated milk (not the sweetened kind) Mix together in order listed until well blended. Put into 2 pie crusts (purchased or your favorite crust) Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes then turn oven down to 350 degrees and cook until set. Baking time will vary slightly because  of differences  in ovens.

What's Old & What's New & Special Gifts of the Season

This great Cushman Truckster is both old and new. It is over 40 years old but new to the our fleet of vintage vehicles. Actually we bought 2 of these. One will be used for parts. Parts for these old golf course work horses are hard to find. It is being used to transport firewood to the house, take leaves to the back of the property, carry stuff from the barn to the house and other general yard work. The messy workbench in the background is a sign of a busy person.  Love is old! Friday Russ and I will celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary. We have been together for 57 years. Who needs holiday gifts.   Good eyesight is what is new. What a gift it is to be able to see so clearly. My cataracts have been removed and the newly implanted lenses have given me better eyesight than I have had for the last 50 or more years. My brain is having a hard time adjusting to this wonderful gift. 

God Bless our Veterans!
