Fun At the Flea Market
This seller has creative stacking talents! Saturday brings in a lot of the area Amish. Russ wanders around on Friday which is the day before the flea market is scheduled. We did not help. It was in the 30s and windy and we are old! It was very muddy! There were fewer people than usual. A tent city Gray skies prevailed until 9AM. We had a nice view behind our camper until the cars parked there. Click on pictures above once to enlarge a little and again to enlarge more FLEA MARKET FUN We decided to take a trip to the Hazen, Pennsylvania flea market this weekend. Yes, we knew that Friday night would be cold and rainy but that did not deter us. We arrived in the cold rain and wind and got out and walked around anyway and actually found some things and renewed some friendships. We retreated to our camper when the rain showers and wind became intense. We decided not to help the ladies that were setting up in front of our ca...