
Showing posts from January, 2016

Still not finding stuff that was put away.

Where are those important things that I so carefully put away? The place that I stored them would make them easy to find on  another day. There are noises from the old wardrobe in the back wing. Could it be a ghost or spirit that takes and hides these things. Some day while cleaning a distant closet or space the things will be found and and put in their proper place. Caroline

A mild Winter~Spring can't be too far away

I try to think ahead to a time in the future when Spring comes again. It won't be a long time now until the buzzards come home to roost and nest in the old granary next door. Boards have been removed for to use for repairs on the neighbor's horse barn and arena. The roof  of the little shed has leaked for many years causing the building to lean more to one side than it used to. Buzzards seem to like abandoned buildings such as this one. It seems odd not to see the landscape covered in snow this year. After two very snowy cold years this is a welcome sight.