
Showing posts from May, 2015

Busy Little Bees~Too Busy

Tiny busy little bees. They are way too busy for you and way too busy for me. They will ignore us if we stay at a distance but  don't get near them or dare to disturb them. They will sting you and the pain you feel could be very long lasting.  Busy tiny little bees.  -Caroline

Solomon's Seal

The Solomon's Seal plants on the shady edge the garden and under the hemlock tree next to the garden have finally spread a bit. It will be safe to divide them and plant some in other locations around the yard as soon as the weather permits. The plants are tall and look beautiful in shaded areas. They may have medicinal properties that are useful for healing. I think they are very attractive plants. 

The Gray Tree Frog

This gray tree frog tried very hard to blend into the side edge of the shed. We have been hearing the little frogs calling and singing to each other all day long. Sometime they are very difficult to spot. They can cling to a tree or branch and change the color so that that they are almost invisible. This little frog was tucked in as tight as it could get and had its eyes half shut hoping I would go away. It was very quiet and still as I got myself close enough for a photo. Frogs and toads are welcome in my yard. They are great for mosquito control. 

Things Have Changed at Camp This Year

Our trip to camp this weekend started on a sour note. As soon as we took off in the van a clinking metallic noise made us turn back before we got down the road. It took another half hour of listening and deciding to add some transmission fluid before we thought the problem was low fluid. We took off again and before we got 3 miles from home the noise stopped completely so we were on our way.  It has been a long time since we have had such a perfect weather weekend such as this one. Blue skies and temperatures in the low seventies during the day were just what we would have ordered if we could.  The inside of the trailer was just as it was left last time it was used. That was good news. The outhouse had heaved up during the freezing weather last year and had to be leveled. We pushed the old rotting wood privy over. The trailer will need a coat of paint this year. I'll bring some soap and water to scrub the picnic table and bench next time that we travel t...