
Showing posts from December, 2014

Merry Christmas to All Ho Ho Ho

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas I think the the thing to remember during the holidays is that many people will be alone. Loved ones may be deployed in different countries. There may have been deaths in the family or have family health issues to deal with all year long. There could be fractured family or friend ties causing great stress to all involved. Financial stress and homelessness may cause many to have no celebration at all. It is time to think about those who may not have the joy that many people share. The reason for the season seems to have been lost by many. It is a time for love, togetherness and reunions with friends and family. Merry Christmas

Two True Toad Tales

I'm not sure that the toads involved in the two tales are represented accurately by the above picture but it reminds me of the diversity of the toads and frogs in the world. There are just so many.  The first toad tale has a happy ending. Many years ago my husband was taking a bath and he saw a movement near the bathtub overflow. It was just a momentary move that caught his eye. During the next week he saw it another time. Then one evening a tiny leg with little padded extensions hung down through the hole in the chrome cover for the overflow. He finished his bath before removing the cover and there was a tiny toad or frog. It was still alive so he took it back to the wet areas at the bottom of the big hill on the West side of the property. We figured that it may have gotten into the basement drain and kept climbing up until it ended up in the bathtub drain. The holes in the drain are much to tiny and the slot in the overflow was also too narrow for the poor trapped animal...