Around the Yard and Garden Summer is Here
After lunch I hurried over to the wild blueberry bush that is behind the big barn. There were only 4 ripe berries to be seen. Yesterday there were 5 that were ripe enough to eat. None of these made it to the house. They were savored on the spot without the benefit of clean hands or pre-washing the fruits. There are plenty of green berries on the bush so maybe there will be enough to sprinkle on cereal or ice cream later in the week. A large rock was transported from the pine tree woods on the East side of our property to my new moss garden. The red color of the rock is a nice contrast to the green moss that it sits on. The very wet weather that we are having is actually helping the newly transplanted moss to survive. Several different types of daisies have started to bloom in the flower garden. The yard is soggy and full of puddles but it is being mowed today. It is sometimes difficult to get through the very wet areas but it would be worse if th...